Last year a mother sang her sweet baby to sleep. On a whim shared her lullaby on Facebook and captivated millions overnight. What transpired after was nothing short of dreams coming true. Her video went viral and caught the attention of Cosco Kids, a leader in baby gear. This is Kimberly Henderson’s story: a story of family, a mother’s love, and one dream being realized.

I have realized I want to own my own property and build my own home 🙂
Im a I’m a 16 yr. survivor of stage 3 cancer. My goal was to raise my 2 sons, they were 8 and 15 at the time. They are now both grown, love the Lord and married. My first grandchild is due in September. The car seat would be for her. ❤️
My goal is to own my own business one day.
I worked hard to be a good runner girl. I set a goal to do a half marathon and finished one…twice! My next goal is to do a full marathon. It makes me feel, look, and stay healthy!
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I graduated from college with a Bachelor’s Degree
I dreamed I would help children and every day I get to work with them!
My dreams and goals are always changing but I always try to stay positive and live a happy life! 🙂
I would love to finish my BA degree and start my own business!
I installed a pond in my backyard. What a lot of work! (But I am happy with it now!)
I dream has always been to be a mom, now I’m more grateful for my kiddos every day!
Well , this year I have been trying very hard to lose weight , so far I lost 30 Lb , so I’m pretty happy with myself , still some lbs to go till I’m happy though!
I’m getting laid from a realllllllly good job with a huge clothing company in July I realized I want to go to school to be a nurse. It’s not a dream it’s a goal,
One dream I have realized is to start my own business and with my husband beside me we have! Successfully running our own business for 8 years now!
I have been fortunate enough to have realized several goals and dreams in my life. I completed college, became a teacher, bought a house, had two children, and most of all am able to be a stay at home mom.
One of the mothering goals I made was to cloth diaper. Lots of people told me that I couldn’t do it, but I’m now on my third child in cloth.
I am working hard to reach a weight loss goal, not there yet..but I havnt gained anything and I’m feeling better!
Congrats on meeting those milestones. Weight loss is a big hurdle, but that physiological step is an important ones. Good luck on your journey.
Cloth diapering,breast feeding,homeschooling my autistic con….it’s all happening.
I graduated college and married the love of my life- two separate goals realized!
I have been fortunate enough to realize many dreams in my life. I got accepted and graduated from my dream college. I married the love of my life and we have three beautiful kids together. I taught myself to sew.
Some of mine include being the best mom I can to my little one, getting a poem published. I would love to take a few more college classes. I also would love to lose 20 more pounds!
I didn’t expect to have another baby, my kids are 16 and 18 years old now. Surprise, I’m expecting at 44.
wendy browne recently posted…THIS is the BEST C Serum!
Well Congratulations! What an amazing blessing.
My goals has changed so much over the years and becoming a mom really changes it all up my main goal is to raise happy healthy, respectful children who know they are loved no matter what! Just be the Best Mother I can be.
One of my biggest dreams is home ownership. We are closer than ever before and I am so blessed and grateful.
Fixing old relationships that I didn’t think could be fixed
I have a 7 month old now after thinking I would never have another child. I have a 15 year old. I realized that one of my purposes on this earth is to be a mother. I so fortunate to stay home with my baby while I finish my degree. This would be such a blessing to my little family.
I am going to be a grandmother!
My goal is to buy a home for my family
I never thought I’d own my own home by the age of 21. Having a kid when is was 16 made life a bit more challenging but I have accomplished more than I imagined I would. I’m not stopping until I reach all my goals.
My dream is to own a large wonderful piece of land for my children and to be the best mother I can be to them. I am working on accomplishing both.
Dream is to live sustainably.
As a single momma, my goals have changed. Working towards being debt free is at the top of the list.
i realized my dream of graduating college. shortly after i met an amazing guy who i married. we both work two jobs to pay off debt from his divorce and pay child support but we dream of having a child together in the next year.
A dream I had was to one day have enough money to take a real vacation with my family. This summer that dream is coming true. In addition to several other things we are spending 3 days at Disney World.
I have became a wife and a mom to a beautiful baby girl and a handsome son on the way!
I had a goal to find a job I was happy with and I accomplished that goal last year!
I have realized that I have an incredible passion for the healthcare industry, so I have decided to go back to school to become a nurse. I am a single mother to two little boys. Jackson is three years old and was recently diagnosed with autism. Jameson is 13 months old. We have encountered a lot of obstacles, especially now with Jackson being diagnosed with autism. I just know that I have to be strong and keep pushing forward for my kids. I have realized that I need to secure a future for us. They are the light of my life and my reason for living.
My goal is to raise my kids the best they can be. I am in school for my associates right now but ultimately would like to finish as a midwife
I have a goal this summer to help my son master his times tables. He struggled all year, this summer we are doing a Ninja theme times table game, each level mastered he will earn a belt, at the end he will get a Ninja Party!
I was told id never have kids. It was my dream and my life goal to have a baby by the time i was 26. I started trying at 15. I had 8 miscarriages and finally march 2014 i had my beautiful baby girl my gift from god!!! All my dreams are fullfilled i dream of having three more!!!
I have been able to birth two amazing children even though I have a neurological condition called Chiari Malformation.
My dreams are to raisbe happy & healthy children.
I have two daughters and love being a mom! My dream though is to go back to school to become a NICU Nurse.
I have been an EMT for 12 years. My husband is a firefighter and I always wanted ro become a firefighter as well. I am a mommy of 4 and when my son was 5 months in Jan 2015 I decided I could do it I graduated from class April 2015 passed class and the state test first try. I have a huge fear of ladders and confinement spaces and I overcame these during class. I even recieved an award for personal achievement for doing so. I am a busy mommy of 4 and I work full time the whole time I was in class. My son is transition from infant carseat to big boy seat. Please consider us for your guveaway.
I would like to finish college and give my son a happy life!
Pursuing my doctorate!
My dream was to fix my relationship with my mother and that dream came true the same year she passed away rip mom 8/16/13
I’ve realized my dream of working for one of the top companies in my industry in my city. Next dream is to own my own business. 🙂
Towards the end of last year I fell pregnant with my first baby, I was pretty scared but excited and over the moon at the same time even when babys father left me I was still looking forward to going through the changes that mothers go through just to give life to their little mini’me. I’m only young and I know it would have been hard but me and baby would have gotten through those hard patches together, but instead god had better plans for baby I misscarried earlier this year. A few weeks later my sister-inlaw found out she and my brother are expecting and she is now 5months. It hurts I lost my baby but to know I’m going to be an aunt and am able to help raise my brothers baby and treat baby like my own will hopefully help ease the pain a little.
To have a child! We are unable to but are in the process of adopting!
My goal is to be the best mom I can be for my daughters. I also hope to own my own house.
I had a goal to become a nurse, and recently landed my first job as a labor and delivery nurse! I now have a dream to work toward my master’s degree to become a nurse practitioner or certified nurse midwife!
I started my own business
I have realized that I can be more than “just” a mom and having a career IS important to me
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I would love to finish my associates degree and give my babies a better life!
I have wonderful kids and a wonderful husband!
I never thought I would be a grandma but that dream is coming true this Nov. I am so excited for my son and his girlfriend!!
My goal is to find ish my education, for my kids. Work hard for them & give them more than I had as a child.
We’re debt-free! It took 4 years of hard work, but now, we don’t owe anyone a dime!
My baby girl well be 14mons…she’s getting soo big!!!
I try to be a better person every day, in hopes of making the world a better place for my child
My family is working extremely hard at our goals! I never expected to become a mom at 22 but now me and my fiancé are working harder then ever! While also working at a bank my finance just graduated with an accounting degree weeks before our daughters 2nd birthday and I couldn’t be prouder of his hard work. Pulling all nighters to study is not easy especially with a newborn! Now that he has graduated I can go back to school and continue my education while raising my family.
My goal was to have a career I love, not to Slave away for the money.
To be the best mom to my little boy.
Growing up I’ve aspired to reach the same common goal. I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. To me it didn’t matter if my objective was large or small, I strived to make sure my life had meaning. I didn’t have the easiest up bringing and I wasn’t the star student, however, I made of life. Four months ago I became a mom to an amazing little man. His name is Jack and I’m raising him by myself. I never dreamed of having kids, unlike many girls, because I was afraid of putting them through the kind life I was raise with. Although time has passed my goal remains, however, now its a tad more pointed. The lifestyle I choose will reflect in my son. One of the hardest parts of being a single mom is working. Single parents don’t get a break nor do they get to stay home with their child(ren). Its hard knowing that someone else is watching your baby grow up and you miss out on things that happen while you’re working. My motivation to make a difference is what gets me though the day. Not only do I help those around me, but it allows me to give my little man things I never had. My son is my gives my life meaning, without him I would be lost.
Able to be a stay at home mom
To be a stay at home mom for my 3 year old and baby on the way.
My dream was to find my best friend to Spend the rest of my life with, and have a family with him! Succeed at this and even though it’s not always easy, I love it! My next dream/goal is to buy a home with my husband!! Can’t wait!
My dream was to be a stay at home mom. I’m finishing my last week at work this week to live that dream and be with my 6 month old.
I have realized that nothing will ever be perfect. Bills will always be there, house won’t always be spotless, but family and friends are always there. Enjoy the little moments.
Finally being able to stay at a job for a year!
I obtained my Master’s Degree and I’ve become a mom (of soon to be 4).
I am still figuring out what my goals are.
I realized I have a dream to be a chef at a nice restaurant that serves basic home cooked style meals
Finding the man of my dreams and having a baby!
My dream is to have a large family – hoping to get pregnant soon!
I am running my own business!
I moved out on my own without the support of anyone. It’s such a great feeling even though I struggle sometimes.
I was always fascinated by movie making and wondered what it would be like to be on a set. A couple years ago, I took a chance and went to an open call, and I’ve been working on and off as an extra in tv and movies for a while. It’s fun and keeps life interesting.
I raised 3 law abiding, hard working sons who are assets to society. And now helping to raise 3 grandchildren.
being a mom, volunteering for my favorite charities
I’ve realized that dreams may not always come about in the way you had planned or hoped at the time, but a little ways down the road, you can look back and discover that they’ve come true in different ways. My marriage to my husband is the perfect example of that!
Dreams or Goals I realize I have, are to hopefully someday live in a house and no longer an apartment…to get to my goal size and be happy in my own skin, and to have a little girl I’ve always dreamed of having.
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I reached my dream of being a stay at home mom to my kids.
My goal is to Raise my son to be an amazing man!
I realize I want to be the mom I imagined I would be before I had kids.
My biggest goal has always been to raise my children to love God, others and to always strive to do their best in any situation. Putting God first isn’t always easy but it always turns out to be the right answer.
. I am the proud mother of 3 children in their 20’s that are all working on families of their own now.
I would love to own my own home.
My family is my dream. After years of struggling to conceive, we now have 3 beautiful girls!
We are hoping to expand our family again VERY soon! 😀
One dream I’ve achieved since becoming a parent, is going back to school and getting my degree in the healthcare field. I never thought it would be possible but here I am, with one last semester to go!
The dream I have realized is owning my own home!
My goal and dream is to retire before 50.
I have realized that being happy is so important! That peace is best in all situations! And faith in Christ is most important
I would like to move somewhere warmer, like Arizona in the next few years.
I’m an Arizona native and can attest that it is beautiful. I don’t mind the couple months of heat. It’s a nice trade of for 9-10 months of beautiful weather.
I am a mother of four. We have been married for four years. I have five year old boy girl twins, a three year old son and a 12 week old daughter. I am currently trying to pay back some student loans from before I became a mom so that I can go back to college and finish what I started. I want to be a preschool teacher and spark their imagination through learning.
My dream was to declutter, downsize and simplify our life. Two years ago we sold our 2400 sq ft house and purchased a 1200 sq ft house. I purged so much “stuff” we didn’t need/use that our new place actually feels roomier 🙂
I finally realized my goal of becoming a physical therapist.
I met my goal of switching from working in the office to working full-time from home.
Running a half marathon
My goal is to start updating and redoing my house. I’ve been in it for 14 years now and want to redo painting and upgrading some things
I have realized that I want to go back to school to get my nursing degree.
I’m due in October with our first baby! My dream is to be the best mom and wife for my husband and baby boy!
When my youngest son started school I went back to college.
I realized the world is mine if I want to work hard enough for it