2 equal pieces of fleece
Cut your pieces of fleece to the same size. Cut out a 3″x3″ square from each corner.

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2 equal pieces of fleece
Cut your pieces of fleece to the same size. Cut out a 3″x3″ square from each corner.
[…] Here’s a great tutorial on how to do the edges: https://eclecticmomsense.com/2014/07/sew-braided-fleece-blanket.html […]
Oooh! This is wonderful! Question b/c I got lost at one point. When you say: “Start with one tab and pull it through the next slit.” What do you mean? For some reason it’s stumping me. I keep picturing in my mind that the tabs would keep popping out.
Also, do you think this would work with a bigger blanket?
Thank you!
bluegirl recently posted…Embedded in an Orderly Framework
So each tab has a slit cut in it. Take one tab and thread it through the slit of the tab next to it. Continue with the tab you just put through the slit and thread it through the next slit. You will be creating a chain of sorts that looks like a braid. This should work nicely with any size blanket. I love this finish because it doesn’t loosen or fall apart like the knot blankets over time.
can u make on e for adults as well
This technique should work with any size fleece.
Where can I find the pink and white (I love mommy/ daddy fleece fabic for blanket)
Sharon, I grabbed that at Joann’s a few years ago. I believe it was a remanent.
I have made 15 so far! For a “throw” to wrap up watching tv, I use 2 yards, two pieces. For a baby blanket, I use one yard, each piece.
Take top piece, pull through bottom piece next to it, then pull the top piece through the bottom piece.
I hope this helps you!
15! That’s amazing. They make awesome gifts.
Hi my name is. Mary, and I was reading about how you braided the blanket, but I still don’t understand it. It seems like it would fall out. Please explain.
Kelly, thank you so much! I am going to give this a try. I will report back with results! Again, thanks. Have a great day!
bluegirl recently posted…Embedded in an Orderly Framework
Sadly I can’t figure out the braiding either. I have been trying different methods off and on for a couple of days.
I’m having a problem putting it together
Is there a step I can help you with?
ok do you work right to left or left to right? Do you thread the first tab thru the second going thru frm top to bottom or bottom to top? What happens to the dangling ends?
Hi Marilyn. I filmed a video of me doing it. I’m trying to find it for you now. I worked clockwise. Taking two tabs, thread the one on the right through the one on the left. Then work clockwise. The dangling ends get knotted off and tucked inside.
when using a top and bottom pieces, do you pull them together? how is this done with a top and bottom?
Yes. The sample in this post is a top and bottom piece of fleece. Both pieces of fabric move together as one layer.
Do you have to pull the tabs tight through the cut slits? I’m just wondering if it’s not tight enough, will it come apart when it’s washed and put in the dryer?
Yes the tabs will pull through the each cut slit making a chain. This will secure the ends and prevent them from coming apart.
This is great – can’t wait to try. how did you end it?
I knotted at the end and tucked it inside the blanket.
Are you sure this is supposed to be a 3″ slit instead of 2″? We did 3″ and discovered that when they are braided the under piece has too much length on the end to fit under completely. It tends to stick out sideways.
Hi Sue. I used 3″ slits. They match with the 3″ squares cut from each corner.
Hello! Beautiful blanket! I’ve been trying to find that exact style of fabric and I can’t seem to find it anywhere. May I ask where you got it? I would love to make this for my daughter. Greatly appreciate it in advance. š
Hi Michelle. I picked this up at Joann several years ago as a remnant.
Do you have to cut the corners out?
Yes, the corners need to be removed.See step 1 for the cut size.