The most anticipated film of the year arrives in theaters this week. (Who’s got their tickets already?). The whole family is headed to see Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi (a.k.a. Episode VII) Friday night, but I got a sneak peek at a special galactic preview on Monday and I’m sharing my first, spoiler free, thoughts on the movie.

- The film is AMAZING!
- If you haven’t already, watch The Force Awakens.
- It’s no surprise why writer and director, Rian Johnson has been signed onto another trilogy, so good!
- So much laughter. Seriously, I think I giggled and burst out with a good chuckle more than I can count.
- PORGS, oh how I love thee. And all the other fun new creatures. Old school Star Wars fans prepare to have a good laugh in one of the scenes.
- Action packed, so much action. I left the movie with a slight tension headache. Pretty sure I was clenching my fists on the edge of my seat for most of the film.
- This is a film for the whole family. As always use your best judgement, but if your kiddo likes a good action packed movie it’s perfect. There’s a relative lack of bad words (only a couple mild terms) and naturally violence, but no blood or gore.
- BB8 is still the best! Sorry R2, he’s just got so much spunk.