This spooky burlap wreath is the perfect way to adorn your door this Halloween. It’s simple and takes just a few supplies to create. Use what you have on hand to repurpose some of your favorite decorations.

foam wreath form
black burlap ribbon
hot glue
decorative ribbon
BOO! bunting
lime green tulle
decorative accent

First wrap your wreath form with burlap ribbon. Start and end with a bead of hot glue to secure.
Take your tulle and wrap around a fork or small piece of cardboard a few times. Secure with a piece of string or tulle. Cut the underside loops. Remove your pom pom from the cardboard and fluff and flatten into a disk. Secure your tulle to the wreath with hot glue.
Glue your decorative accent on top of the tulle. My haunted mansion was from a broken lawn stake. It fit perfectly on my tulle pom pom.
Use your favorite cutting machine (or scissors) to cut out small 1″ triangles in a fun Halloween patterned paper. Cut BOO! from black paper and glue to your triangles. Precut or use a hole punch to put two holes in each triangle. String with ribbon and secure with hot glue to your wreath.
Finish by gluing a fun ribbon to hang the wreath by to the back.