This ain’t no token bunny costume, it’s a super simple Judy Hopps costume. Another one of the family ZOOTOPIA costumes we wore to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland. Again almost everything was pulled from my closet or bought online with a few specialty items like the utility belt and badge thrown in. Let me tell you that utility belt was super handy in the park. Don’t be surprised if you see me sporting it on our next Disneyland excursion. There was a water bottle holder, or at least that’s what I used it for.

navy blue pants
blue collared shirt
utility belt
black tank or crop top
gray fur
pink felt
2 alligator hair clips
black ribbon or elastic
white fabric paint
Tail and Ear Directions:
Cut out the felt and fur using the attached pattern.

Cut a piece of thin wire 3 times the height of your bunny ear. Bend in half and position and work it into the shape of the outside of the ear. This will allow the ear to stand up, but also gives it flexibility to bend.

Looking for more DIY costume inspiration? Checkout the other costume posts below:
Nick Wilde
Zootopia Family Costumes
Pinocchio Family Costumes
Jake and the Neverland Pirates