- Only 4 weeks to go officially tomorrow. This means nesting has set in and my hospital bag is slowly being packed.
- I see a new Dr. this morning. My friends and family following the drama on Facebook know that I had issues with the office and Dr. I switched to in Phoenix. It came down to me not being comfortable with 1 of 12 Doctors possibly delivering or the impersonal level of care I received from the staff.
- I’m definitely getting uncomfortable, but still love being pregnant and hope this little guy goes by his Ultrasound date (9/28). I’m hoping to squeak in to October and separate these boys by a couple of weeks and put them into different birth months. (ha, reality has set in and realized it’s more likely to be on the other end).
- I had another ultrasound done and received 2 images I will post soon. It was the quickest and most impersonal ultrasound, around 5 minutes. What I gathered is he’s head down and my amniotic fluid looks fine.
- Funny story surrounding that. Aiden went with me, and the appt. went as such: entered room, pull your shirt up, pull your pants down some, jelly on the belly, takes measurements, mumbles a couple of stats, done, wipe your belly off. Anyways that night JD proceeds to tell me Aiden told him to pull his pants down and tried to perform an ultrasound. Yep, that’s what my son took away from it, beautiful bedside manner. I tried my best to answer his questions and describe what was on the screen, but that is what he remembers. Made me giggle and feel confident in my decision to switch.