Welcome to the cloth diaper stash giveaway hosted by Eclectic Momsense, Mom Endeavors, and See Vanessa Craft! One lucky winner will win 18 bumGenius Freetime All-In-One one-size cloth diapers in the newest colors (jelly, pepper, and kiss).

Cloth Diaper Glossary
Getting Started
Reasons to Cloth Diaper
A Dad’s Perspective (I could’ve used this one 6+ years ago)
Now here’s your chance to enter to win an entire cloth diaper stash. One lucky winner will receive 18 bumGenius Freetime all-in-one diapers in the newest color selections.
I love that it doesn’t waste my money and it is so much more comfortable for my baby girl!
My favorite thing about CD is saving money and the cute prints!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that it is better for the environment.
Less garbage! Thanks
I love that it’s better for the environment and better for my wallet 😉
It is reducing our family’s carbon footprint.
Better for the environment and for the baby
My favorite thing is all the cute prints!
I love how much money you save and the cute prints!!
I love that it saves me money and saves my kiddo’s skin!! Plus the cuteness is amazing!!
Saving money and always cute designs/colors
I love clothe diapers as they are softer and can by hypoallergenic on the skin.
My favorite part of cloth diapers are the adorable prints
I love saving money the most with cloth.
I love that cloth diapering saves money and is better for little ones bottom..
Love Bum genius! Saves money and cute!
Saving money!!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that it saves money.
no chemicals on my kids is the biggest reason we cloth diaper! on top of that less money spent and less garbage!!
The diapers are just so darn cute!
Keeping the chemicals off of my baby’s bum. I didn’t cd the first time around (12 years ago) and my daughter had horrible diaper rash that I now recognize as chemical burn. My son has never had a single rash!
I have lots of things I love about cloth diapering, but I think my favorite would be the fact that they are REUSABLE. 🙂 There is nothing better than not having to run to the store for diapers!
Cost effective and good for environment
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is not having to worry about rushing to the store when you are out of diapers. You just wash and reuse!
I love that they’re cost effective, plus, little guy loves them.
I love the savings!
Saving money, and soft fabric on my babes.
I love how cost effective they are!
I love that it’s way easier to wash than I thought it would be! I really don’t mind the laundry and love the cute prints diapers come in.
My favorite part of cloth diapering is that I don’t feel like I waste as much.
Eco friendly!
I don’t feel like money is going down the drain after each diaper change! AND I hated to see all of the garbage we made with just one baby, when we disposable diapered our first child. I love the BumGenius diapers!
I love that they are good for baby’s sensitive skin. I also love the they are super cost effective, environmentally friendly, and (most of all) so very cute!!
I love that I am not adding to landfills, and that I get to save money at the same time!
I love how diapers are no longer financial concern for our family.
I will be a mom for the first time this June! However, I always knew I would cloth diaper. I am so excited to be a part of this giveaway!!!
New to CD’s! My mother used them on most of her kids, so excited to start with my new little one.
My favorite thing is not having to worry about allergic reactions.
I like that I am throwing multiple diapers away in the garbage every day.
That my baby isn’t exposed to the nasty ingredients in disposables. It doesn’t hurt that we are planning on a big-ish family and I can reuse them!
I love the comfort of the cloth diapers
I love that I won’t have those yucky chemicals from disposables on my baby’s skin. It doesn’t hurt that we plan on having a big-ish family and I can reuse them!
The savings! Eco-friendly disposables are so expensive.
My favorite thing is it saves money!
I love the versatility of cloth diapers, different ones for different circumstances & helping the environment to boot. I don’t have any AIOs so this would be amazing! It would help my family get more involved for sure. Thanks for the chance!
I like that it saves money. 🙂
My favorite thing about cloth diapers is the waste saved from the landfill!
I love tgat cloth diapers save my baby skin and help the environment!
I love the fact that im saving money and no harsh chemicals on babies bum.
I love that it’s better for the environment.
I love to cloth diaper because it saves my sensitive babies skin! Also, the cuteness and money saving factors are huge bonuses!
I like that cloth-diapering is good for the environment.
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is it would help me to save money!
Thank You for the chance
So hard to narrow down to one thing I like best about cloth diapering. I love that cloth diapering is so much gentler on my babies skin, I love that it reduces waste and it better for the environment, and love love love all the wonderful colors and prints.
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is saving money and not having to make runs to the store for diapers all the time.
I love that cloth diapers work for the sensitive buns and help a tight budget mother save money.
I love not contributing to landfills!!
I like that cloth diapers are better for the environment.
I love that i can save so much money and not add to all the waste in the landfills.
i love the designs! they are so cute and are almost a clothing item !
It is so much better for our planet.
I love that they’re gentle on baby’s bottom and how cute they are!
Better for the environment!
i love being able to cloth diaper my son because i know what i am putting on his little tush is natural and nothing has chemicals to harm him!
I love that I never need to make a midnight Target run for diapers. I just need to do some laundry!
I never run out of diapers!
Healthy baby skin!
I love the frugality of it!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that it saves money and is better for my baby
I love the cost savings!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is how cute my daughter’s little bum is in them!
Not putting so much trash in the landfill.
My favorite thing about cloth diapers is never having to make middle of the night trips to the store so I won’t run out of diapers!
Saving money!
I love that cloth diapers ends rashes.
Less trash and better for the environment
I love how much money I save by using cloth. Plus, they are super cute. Thanks!
I love everything about cloth diapering! What I love the most is that it saves us money!
My favorite part of cloth diapering is that I save at least $30 a month and she actually lays down to be changed where she fights disposable diapers.
I love allnthe prints and the cute fluffy butts
I love how well cloth holds in messes and blowouts
My favorite thing is the aesthetics- they are just so darn cute.
My favorite thing about cloth diapers is that it is cost effective and it helps the environment!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that they are less expensive to buy in the long run than disposable diapers. Also they it is better for the environment.
Saving the land fills of billions of diapers!
I like that they’re re-usable.
My favorite thing about cloth… It would either be the cute choices or the fact that I’ve never seen a rash on my child.
My favorite part about cloth diapering is all money we have saved. Wish I would have realized how easy it was and used cloth with our older children too.
Cloth diapers are so soft and plushy, much better feeling than disposables 🙂
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is knowing that I’m staying away from any and all toxic chemicals. ?
I LOVE not wasting money!
There are so many things I like about cloth diapers. I started using them because I wanted to save money but as I started reading i realized how many chemicals are in regular disposables and was horrified that I had ever considered putting them on my baby’s delicate skin for so long. I also like the way the look and all the cute colors and prints.
I love cloth diapers because they help our family save money, and they are better for the environment!!
My favorite thing is probably the fact that it’s natural without all the chemicals and waste of disposible diapers…. I guess that’s more than one thing, lol…. But I love using natural products for my family and ESP stuff that can be reused…. I would absolutely love to win this for my daughter, it would be an amazing addition to my stash and would definately be used and appreciated, thank you for the chance to win
I have not tried cloth diapering, but I am expecting another baby in July and would love to try cloth diapering.
I like that they are eco friendly and have so many great prints! Also love the cost savings over the long-term (though not so crazy about the initial cost).
I love cloth diapering because its better for the planet and for baby
I love not having all the extra trash but more than that, not having to worry about whether a certain brand of (disposable) diaper will cause my daughter to break out or not!
My favorite thing about cloth diapers is that they are free of the chemicals that are used with disposable diapers. I love the fact that when our little one gets here we will be saving tons of money by reusing them! Thank you so much for your give away! We have one bum genius so far and I would love to try out some more!
I love that it saves money and is better for the environment.
My FAVORITE thing about cloth diapering is that is saves SO much money!
I love how much money it saves (as long as I keep from being too obsessed with getting new colors/prints)! I also like how cute it is! It’s hard to pick ONE favorite thing! 🙂
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that it’s so much healthier for babies’ skin.
I am new mommyhood and also cloth diapering, but what cloth diapering appeals to me would be that they are eco-friendly, and cost efficient. Their cute designs are a bonus as well. Good Luck!
What I love about cloth diapering is the fact that they don’t contain any chemicals like the disposable ones do. I also like that cloth diapering is cheaper than constantly buying disposable diapers and they often come in cuter designs than any of the disposable ones do!
I love the cost savings… and all the cute prints!
I love that it reduces our carbon footprint and our LO doesn’t get rashes.
I am going to be a new mom and I want to use cloth diapers because I love how it helps the environment and how I can use them until they are potty trained!!
I love that it’s better for the environment and saves me money
Not having to run to the store for diapers!
My favorite thing about using cloth diapers is saving money and the environment at the same time!! Oh, and the cute designs1 🙂
I love not throwing away all those disposables!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that they are not full of chemicals and are also not as harsh on baby’s skin
I cant lie, the money we save is probably my favorite thing about cloth diapering.
Still learning the ins and outs to make a decision!
I love how cloth diapers are eco friendly and budget friendly!
My favorite things about cloth diapering is how good it is for your baby but also the savings.
I love that cloth diapers are better for baby & the planet!
I think cloth diapers are cute.
I love saving money and the fact that I don’t have chemicals on my girls. And they’re so cute!
I am due in a few days and I like the cost savings benefit the best!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is saving money! Plus, they are so cute! 🙂
Saving the environment. I feel good knowing my daughter is not filling the earth with waste. Plus, the diapers are so cute and soft, it’s hard not to feel good about cloth diapering!
The cost savings.
Not having ti throw diapers and money in the trash.
I love the idea of saving money and doing something that is better for the envoronment.
My husband and I are expecting our first baby (a girl) in March and who doesn’t love the idea of saving money while using a product that is safe for the environment and for their baby! For us though, its a little more than that… Cloth diapering is a new and fun experience that the three of us will be able to experience together as we continue to give this baby as much love and attention as we can ! It would be an amazing opportunity to win this Giveaway to begin this journey and to share it with our loved ones.
I love the cuteness and savings!! $$
Its better for baby’s skin
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is not creating tons of plastic and chemical waste.
Cloth diapering saves so much money!
I love that cloth diapers saves money, and is good for sensitive bottoms
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that I am creating less waste and saving money. The cute prints are a plus too!
I like how they are better for baby, the environment and my wallet!
I haven’t started using cloth diapers yet, bc my son won’t be born until the end of May. I never even thought of doing it almost 9 years with my daughter, I wish I had though.
I am excited about the money savings over time and even more so about the fact that the chemicals in disposables won’t be against my son’s skin 24/7.
Ilove that I save money and help save the environment!
I like that there are so many cute patterns and colors to choose from, and that the diapers themselves seem like they would be more comfortable for a baby to wear than disposables.
No way! I love bumgenius freetime! They have been my absolute favorite with my little one. I’m a first time mom, and no one else in my family has cloth diapered before, so I always wanted to try them- but honestly could afford them. It was my father (who decided to be a bigger part of my life when my LO was born<3) ended up getting my LO 4 of them for part of his christmas gift! I was so excited, and my LO sleeps through the night without needing a change in these! They are GREAT!
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I have not cloth diapered yet, but I am looking forward to cloth diapering with my little one.
Cute fluff is the best part of CD!
I love how absolutely gentle they are! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
I like cloth diapering because I know what is against the babies skin
I like the no-waste aspect!
I love that they are so cute and save money! My son is 1 and I have saved hundreds of dollars! If only I can convince myself to keep the savings instead of spending them in diapers.lol.
My favorite thing about cloth diapers is saving money.
They save money!
I love that we don’t get diaper rashes!
How much money can be saved!!
Hands down how much money we have saved! I have cloth diapered 2 of my babies!
There are many things I love about cloth diapering. The biggest is saving my baby’s bum from rashes. My whole family has very sensitive skin and with cloth diapering I’m able to keep rashes at a minimum. Can I get a shout out for the cute prints!! Second favorite thing.
Seeing all of the adorable prints and saving a ton of money!
I love all the variety, different prints, and brands! Save money too, maybe not too much since we’d get a new diaper every week.
I love that I don’t put chemicals against my baby skin AND save money AND don’t need to run to the grocery store at midnight for diapers AND I help environment
I love BumGenius. Cloth diapering is one of the best decisions my wife and I ever made.
I love how eco-friendly cloth diapering is!!
Not only is cloth diapers really adorable, but it’s great for the environment too.
My favourite things about cloth diapering are: the amount of money saved, as well as the lack of diapers in landfills! It is amazing that you can sell your used cloth diapers to save those diapers from also becoming trash after only a few years of use.
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is not contributing to the landfills…and how cute they are!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that its eco-friendly.
I have a 9 month old in cloth and I am expecting another little one in October. Winning these would be unbelievably helpful. Thanks, for the opportunity!
I love that it’s more affordable in the long run and that they grow with my baby.
I love knowing that my child isn’t sitting in toxins!
I love knowing my child isn’t sitting in toxins!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is less trash to take out and stink up my house!
I love cloth because of the savings and reduction in our family’s trash output.
While I never used them for my daughter for anything other than a burb cloth, I’m proud of my daughter planning on using cloth diapers for her little one. Reason being they are eco -friendly, but they do require more work than disposable.
Definitely my favorite is being earth friendly, thanks!
Super absorbent so I don’t have to change a diaper in the middle of the night! ?
It’s eco-friendly and wallet friendly!
I love how adorable they are and how much money you save in the long run =]]
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is that I feel it’s better/healthier for my baby. I also love that I’m not contributing to the build up of disposable diapers in the landfills and I love that it saves me money!
When/where will winner be announced?? Fingers crossed!!!
My favorite thing about cloth diapering is knowing that I m not contributing hundreds of disposables to the landfill!