Based in Headquarters, the control center inside 11-year-old Riley’s mind, five Emotions are hard at work, led by lighthearted optimist Joy (voice of Amy Poehler), whose mission is to make sure Riley stays happy. Fear (voice of Bill Hader) heads up safety, Anger (voice of Lewis Black) ensures all is fair and Disgust (voice of Mindy Kaling) prevents Riley from getting poisoned—both physically and socially. Sadness (voice of Phyllis Smith) isn’t exactly sure what her role is, and frankly, neither is anyone else.
When Riley’s family relocates to a scary new city, the Emotions are on the job, eager to help guide her through the difficult transition. But when Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches of Riley’s mind—taking some of her core memories with them—Fear, Anger and Disgust are left reluctantly in charge. Joy and Sadness must venture through unfamiliar places—Long Term Memory, Imagination Land, Abstract Thought and Dream Productions—in a desperate effort to get back to Headquarters, and Riley.
Directed by Academy Award® winner Pete Docter (“Monsters, Inc.”, “Up”), produced by Jonas Rivera, p.g.a. (“Up”) and featuring an original score by Michael Giacchino (“The Incredibles,” “Ratatouille,” “Up”), Disney•Pixar’s “Inside Out” opens in theaters on June 19, 2015.
Movie Review:
Disney•PIXAR has done it again with another fantastic family film. And the animated short, LAVA, is a beautiful musical love story. For me Disney•PIXAR always does a wonderful job at creating age appropriate takeaways. It creates films that make it enjoyable for parents to take their kids.
Inside Out takes a state of mind and turns them into 5 well-developed characters. Joy is the main character and first on scene. Her optimism seemingly keeps the wheels turning inside Riley’s head. Anger is positioned to prevent her from getting the raw deal. Fear helps Riley stay safe. Disgust prevents her from being poisoned physically and socially. And sadness steals the show. She wreaks havoc and shuts down the entire system.

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INSIDE OUT opens in theatres everywhere today Friday, June 19th!
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