How many of you have used the bulb or battery operated aspirator to clear mucus from your little ones nose? With my first we could never find a store bought one that matched the success of the hospital ones, they just didn’t work. In fact we said with our second we needed to “lose” a couple so we would come home with a handful. Then, just a month out from baby #2 arriving I saw this picture and decided to try out a nasal aspirator that used my own suction power.
Most people’s reaction is repulse, but I tell you that simple gadget worked wonders. My toddler was asking me to use it when his allergies were killing him in early fall (still working on blowing nose).
No you won’t suck boogies into your mouth because of the design. The large egg shape receptacle slows down airflow and prevents boogies from being sucked up. And because of it’s large size you can use a tissue as a filter. This is why pediatricians are recommending BabyComfyNose to moms and dads. Recently, Dr. Sears of The Doctors TV Show recommended the BabyComfyNose as the best way to clear babies’ noses. Take a look at the video ‘How to Use the BabyComfyNose’ to see how well it works. The folks at BabyComfyNose are also offering a 20%-off coupon. Details here. Coupon expires April 30, 2013. While I haven’t tried this brand yet I’m anxious to get my hands on it. Baby Comfy Nose will tell you it’s just as great as other human suction aspirators out there without the costly need to purchase filters. Sounds like a sell to me, and now I have one for each kiddo.
Disclosure: I will receive a sample of the product for this post. As always all opinions are my own.