Yes, this is the obligatory New Year’s resolution post. And I’m getting a little cliche, I want to get healthy. This year it’s more than weight though. I want to cleanse my whole life: eating, physical, financial, everyday. I have used every excuse to myself, lately because I haven’t been getting any sleep at all. I want to conquer organizing my life in every aspect and I think every goal I have will fall in to place.
What I know:
I do best when I keep myself accountable. I don’t do well when others keep tabs on me.
I need help from my spouse to keep the household stuff organized.
I feel better when I exercise and accomplish things.
If I don’t know what’s coming (meals, plans, etc.) I will fail, get lazy, fall into old habits.
If I deprive myself of the things I like (chocolate, bread…), completely cut it out I will fail.
The Plan:
Stay accountable by keeping track of my goals: online journaling, Instagraming, old fashion pen and paper.
Communicate: make a plan together, check in, and keep each other accountable.
Make a plan for each day. Walk, weights, dance, Zumba. Schedule in work and keep track of deadlines, stay ahead of the game.
Make a specific meal plan for the week and prep as much as possible on the weekends. Set up a schedule for the week for exercising, and activities for the kids.
Allow myself to enjoy the things I like. The key is moderation, in frequency and amount.
The Start:
I’m going to post the beginning picture because I think it’s important to have a reference for where I started. I’m going to keep the starting numbers to myself this time. I’m leaving the blog for reflection on what I did for the week and share accomplishments. If I loose weight, it’s time to celebrate.
What changes are you making in the New Year?